Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 1946

January 29, 1946
1046 W 24th
San Pedro Calif.

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home,

Today has been a fairly nice day altho not as warm as those last week. Yesterday and today there has been a pretty good breeze from the ocean which has kept it fairly cool, even at midday. Perhaps it is working itself into a rainy spell altho no clouds have appeared on the horizon as yet. The mornings have been rather hazy but this evening it was clear enough out at the Watson station so that you could see the mountains inlands.

Sunday was the every-member canvass and I was (unwillingly) one of the canvassers. However I had a fairly easy time of it and got thru fairly early so that I could visit with Mrs. and Mrs. Johnson awhile, they being the last one on my list. Mr. Johnson as I may have written before,fell about Christmas time and has been almost totally helpless since. It has been very hard on Mrs. Johnson, who looks quite tired, and much thinner than before. She has only been able to be at church occasionally lately. We talked for about an hour or so and she gave me some lunch. I thinkI’ll give her one of the lbs of butter since she said she too had had a hard time getting any. I certainly feel sorry for her and Mr. Johnson. They are having a hard time of it in their old age, and there doesn’t seem much that can be done about it.

My work continues about as usual. Also as usual, nothing more has been heard from either the draft board or about the transfer.

I have been having a little cold lately so that my neck has been sort of stiff and sore. I had a haircut Friday nite and the barber said he had been having a cold so I may have picked it up there. It hasn’t been very bad tho.

The package with the butter arrived yesterday. Thank you very much for sending it, mother. I am enclosing a check for it and the postage. Four lbs of butter around here is just about a king’s ransom.

That’s about all for now.

With love

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