Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 24, 2946

Feb 24, 1946
1046 W 24th
San Pedro, Calif

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home,

My cold is completely gone now, but I am afraid I gave it to Mrs. Eldridge, who has one now. Yesterday she stayed in bed most of the day after getting up for a short while around breakfast time. The weather lately has been rather cool and damp and it is quite easy to pick up a cold, particularly on a crowded bus (which is the usual condition of them in San Pedro). Friday was a nice day but yesterday was a relapse into the cool weather we have been having. Three days this week the forecast was for rain but it did not materialize.

Yesterday, or rather Friday, was a holiday for Shell Development, as I believe I mentioned in a previous letter. I worked on a report till noon, then went downtown or some lunch and went to a show in the afternoon. It was only fair tho. I also went down to the bookstore and got the book I had ordered, “Beginnings of Christianity.” I have, by now, read half of it. It is written by a professor of theology at Harvard University. In the evening I had dinner with the Eldridges which more or less concluded a typically uneventful day.

Yesterday was spent in much the same way except that I read in the afternoon and played the piano awhile in the evening and had supper downtown. Today I suppose will also be a colorless day, at least it is starting out that way — gray and cloudy, somewhat warm, so it may be working itself into a rainy mood.

Thank you for stowing the bonds I sent home away in your safe deposit box, father. Out here, as with so many other things, it is impossible to gain access to one, since they are all rented out. Also thak you for the letter. Besides the usual letters form mother, I also got a letter from Verner (via Vivian) this week.

Yesterday when I was downtown I noticed that the new Plymouth and Chrysler were in. The Ford and Chevrolet have been here for some time, also the Nash but this is the first appearance of those two. It reminded my of Jr. College days when However, Harlan, John Woodard & I went down in the spring & inspected all of the new models. The new cars do not appear very different from the last ones made in my opinion.

I have been looking around somewhat for another place to stay in San Pedro, but with no success so far, since I’ll have to move sooner or later and it appears I am stuck in Calif for awhile at least. Some Saturday I’ll have to go up to Compton and look around. It would be just as convenient to get to work from there but it would be a job getting all my stuff moved up there. Compton is on the PE, 3 or 4 miles on the other side of the Watson station.

Time to shave, get dressed etc etc so I will stop.

With love

P.S. If you think I’m bored this morning you’re absolutely & entirely correct.

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