Thursday, February 19, 2015

May 22, 1946

May 22, 1946
664 W 13th
San Pedro, Calif

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home —

Well, what do you know if the sun didn’t come out today after 4 sunless days! It dawned clear and bright today, but it has been sort of half cloudy, half clear the rest of the day. It still isn’t warm yet, this evening it is quite chilly again, but maybe if the sun gets the idea and comes out a little more, it’ll warm up some. So much for the weather — it seems to be getting a little better. The transportation situation doesn’t look so good tho. Perhaps by tomorrow the P.E. workers will be on strike. I hope a last minute settlement is effect so that the strike is averted.

As usual I’m tired tonite after working all day. Perhaps you wonder sometimes if I am ever anything else but tired when I am writing a letter, since I seem to be including that remark quite regularly in them. I guess if I am not tired physically I am tired of being bored here, which make being tired a condition to be expected of me most of the time. This is an inane paragraph, isn’t it? Sort of like chasing a not very good idea around and not getting a very good grip on it so that it sounds odd, logicless, etc etc. I guess I’ll stop the paragraph here.

Tomorrow night the church is going to have a goodbye party for Rev & Mrs. Nyquist. He preached down at church for 3 or 4 months before Roderick Johnson came last summer (or was it afterward, I guess it was at that). They are going back to Kansas for awhile I guess he is going to the Synod. I am supposed to bring some cream for the refreshments but I didn’t find out about it till tonite and I certainly do not know where to get any. I guess I’ll get a couple of cans of canned milk and let them use that. I hadn’t intended to go to the affair, but I guess I’ll have to now.

I have been managing to get a loaf of bread each Saturday, mother so my lunches have been about the same. Even if I couldn’t get bread, I could always get something — if nothing else I could fall back on a soup diet. I could go out to the Shell Cafe and eat, but it is sort of unappetizing out there & I can dream up a better lunch, even without bread, to eat out at work. Moreover, it should be getting warm soon, and lunches sort of disintegrate into very sketchy affairs when you don’t feel like eating much because of the warm weather.

My work continues about as usual.

This is all for now.

With love,

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