Monday, November 17, 2014

May 3, 1944

May 3, 1944
949 W 12th St
San Pedro, Calif.

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home,

Last night was the regular meeting of the Luther League so I didn’t get around to writing my usual first-half-of-the-week letter home. I was the refreshment committee so it took a little longer than usual to get home after the meeting, so I didn’t feel like writing then.

The meeting of the southern district L.L. here on Sunday afternoon went off very nicely. I especially enjoyed the talk given by Lauren Lundblad. When he had asked what his topic was to be he had been told, “It’s up to you,” so that is what he talked about. He is just the same as of old, except perhaps that, as he grow older he has even more illustrations, quotations etc. on the tip of his tongue.

I talked to him after the meeting. He remembered Vivian as his prize Bible School pupil, but asked if she was finishing high school when I said she was graduating this spring. he tells me that Harold is now a father. His other brother is in Scotland.

The evening session wasn’t as interesting, being a Bible quiz section in which the audience were the quizees. One part of the quiz was a contest between one member from each league. Believe it or not, yours truly was the champion in that one. Between the afternoon and evening sessions, lunch was served by the L.L. We took in enough to pay for the eats, that is, the part that had to be purchased.

Today has been a fairly nice day, and a sleepy one. Tonite the air smells strongly of fish, and Mrs. Johnson says that that signifies a change in the weather. Since till today it has been sort of cold and damp, maybe we will get some nicer weather for a change.

One of the fellows working here, Hugh Guthrie, who hails from Iowa has a brother who is missing in action in the European theater of the war. He was (or is) a fighter pilot. Hugh’s mother has been sick and now is very ill after the news and he has gone to San Francisco to see her.

There is still nothing doing on the draft front yet as far as I am concerned, altho I shall be receiving my notice to appear for a physical examination any day now.

With love,

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