Sunday, November 16, 2014

February 19, 1944

Feb. 19, 1944
949 W 12th St
San Pedro, Calif.

Dear father, mother and the folks at home,

Come to sunny California, folks, and freeze along with the rest of the transplanted middle-westerners! The mornings this week have been very chilly. Most of the time the ties in the railroad track are white with frost and this morning the Shell loading racks for railroad cars were more or less white. The frost warnings have been for temperatures of 26 and 27 degrees right along. This of course seems like warm weather to you no doubt, but come out here and you’ll say that you’ve never been so cold in your life before. Paul Datt, who came out here about a month or so ago from Ohio says that he is freezing more here now, wearing the same clothes, than he did back there when the temperature reading actually was less. I will be glad when it warms up a bit.

My stomach is somewhat better now, altho I still do not have very much of an appetite and sort of have to force myself to eat. I am still trouble with diarrhea tho, which has been with me most of this week. I have a cold now, but it skipped the sore throat stage and is I believe almost past the runny nose stage so I think I will be about ok again in a couple of days.

My work is progressing about as usual and some fairly desirable results are being obtained. A couple of big shots were down today from Emeryville but they didn’t stay around very long. This afternoon it has been rainy and blowy and I guess they thought it would be more comfortable elsewhere than inspecting the pilot plant.

As I told you before, tomorrow Pastor Wellington will be at Bakersfield. I am going to read a sermon tomorrow morning to take his place. I hope my voice holds out, and I guess it will, altho it is a little husky.

At the congregational meeting Wednesday night the congregation decided to raise Pastor Wellington’s salary to $175 a month. I hope that he decides to stay here.

Mrs. Johnson says that she thinks I ought to be taking vitamin pills. Do you think so? and if so, what ones should I take?

Thank you for the letters I have received this week.

With love

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