Sunday, December 21, 2014

March 20, 1945

March 20, 1945
949 W 12th St
San Pedro, Calif

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home,

Well spring is officially just around the corner now. Yesterday and today have been really nice days, but the forecast for tomorrow is for cloudy and rains. I guess it is making up for the dry spell in January. It is entirely light now when I walk down to the P.E. station, so soon it will be light when I get up. There is enough of a change as spring nears to make you wish you were back where spring really means a lot as far as nature is concerned. It should be very nice to be back in Iowa for a coupleof days and breathe in the good old fresh air.

Tomorrow I am planning on going over to Long Beach and take the examination for the driver’s license. I hope I don’t go thru a stop sign like I did the first time I took a driver’s license examination. I will leave from work a little early to do this. I made application for supplemental gas ration today and I should have them by Monday so I can take up driving to work then.

Sunday afternoon I went for a walk in the afternoon. I was out at Cabrillo Beach for awhile watching the waves break against the breakwater. Dwight says that it is really a sight when the wind is strong. I shall have to go out there some time when such is the case. Afterwards I went to a show. I got sort of a headache and afterwards my stomach began to feel sort of punk so I went to bed early. I didn’t feel any too spry on Monday but today I feel pretty good.

My work continues about as usual. I asked Davidson what the draft situation was and he said that everything was all right. I hope so, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

By the way, if Vincent has an opportunity to come to San Pedro when he is in Calif, he can certainly spend the nights etc here since I have a big bed and I am sure Mrs. Johnson would give him meals if he wanted to eat some home cooking. I think there is fair train service between Fresno and here so I could meet him in L.A. if he could come. It would be nice to see him again since he wasn’t home while I was home last summer.

I can’t think of much more to wrote about so I shall stop.

With love

P.S. It was certainly too bad about Bud Patton. As you said in your letter, mama, there seemed to be something to him. [Bud Patton was the oldest son of the publisher of the Gowrie newspaper. He was killed in action in Germany.]

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