Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday, October 20, 1946

October 20, 1946
664 W 13th
San Pedro, Calif

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home,

Well, Sunday night again and another week just around the corner. Today has been a rather quiet day. When I woke up this morning I thought it was raining again since I could hear water dripping from the eaves. It wasn’t tho but it was very foggy and remained so till 8:30 or so. After church I walked home, stopping at the store to get some bread, apples & cheese for tomorrow’s lunch and then went over to the N.L.C. and practiced on the piano till about 4:30. After supper I came back to my room and listened to Fred Allen; after which I am writing this letter. There weren’t too many people in church; they probably woke up, decided it was raining and turned over & went to sleep again.

Yesterday I did the usual errands, after I had got to the bank and got a check cashed. I had managed to stretch my limited cash on hand so I even had enuf for breakfast Saturday morning, but not much beside. I took come clothes to the laundry, bought another letter file and some drawing paper and got a haircut. After my music lesson I had lunch at the Owl Drug Store — a new place I have discovered which isn’t too bad — and then went to a show. It was a technicolored film called “Canyon Passage”  and it certainly had some beautiful photography of trees, streams, mountains etc in it. Afterward I went to the library & browsed around for awhile, had a dish of ice cream at the drug store & came home & went to bed.

Aside from the foregoing I haven’t done much this weekend. I had read a little in a book of philosophy I got from the library during the week but not a great deal. I should write a letter to Vivian but I don’t feel in the mood to do so tonite. I just feel rather lazy-like and also a little tired of people and things tonite — not enough to be depressed — just enough to wonder at them and the things they do. I can sort of feel myself working up into a philosophical mood. Maybe if I go to bed early I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and lie and think about anything that chances to cross my mind. I would say that that is one of the few truly pleasureful times that occur in my existence. You can’t sleep and you aren’t under any compulsion to get up either by habit or necessity so you just abandon your mind to speculation. Somehow or other your attitude becomes more detached and you can view things more calmly & clearly.

This is all for now, I guess.

With love

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