Saturday, March 21, 2015

Monday, October 14, 1946

October 14, 1946
664 W 13th St
San Pedro, Calif

Dear Father, Mother and the rest of the folks at home,

Today has been a very nice day, quite warm after noon but not too much so. This morning it was cloudy till about eight and according to the forecast it will be that way tomorrow too, so the day got a slow start towards getting warm.

This weekend has been much like any other weekend; there were, however, several different things from the ordinary occurring. Friday I got a notice to report for a pre-induction physical examination. Saturday morning I spent chasing around to find out where the board was located out here, to have it transferred. They had moved over to Long Beach & consolidated with other boards; when I got there they were closed so I’ll have to see them Monday. I don’t know what they’ll so since I noticed in the newspaper that the army has called off inductions for the rest of the year. Personally I feel it’s just a waste of time both to me and them but I doubt if you could ever tell them anything.

I had a music lesson, fairly satisfactory and afterward I went to a show — “The Big Sleep.” It was a detective show and it was a picture made on the basis of Raymond Chandler’s stories. It followed the story fairly closely, and as a consequence was pretty fair; it did stray somewhat however.

Today was my first Sunday teaching my new S.S. class and it went along pretty good. I have only 2 boys in the class and they are very attentive so that it will be easy teaching them. This morning there was a baptism of a little girl, and she was christened “Mary Elizabeth.” I could help but remember that that is what you were going to call Marold, mother, had he been a girl. I guess somebody else thought it was a euphonious name also. After dinner I listened to the last of the ball game and heard the Cardinals triumph over the Red Sox to even up the World Series. It would certainly suit me to see the Cards crash them again. After that I went over to church and practiced for awhile until I got tired and quit about 4:15.

Tonite they are having an evening service at church but I don’t know if I’ll go or not; I feel more like just sitting around and loafing. However since it isn’t our spirited pastor speaking I may go.

This is all for now.

With love

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