Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sunday, November 30, 1952

November 30, 1952
931 Seaview Drive
El Cerrito, Calif

Dear Brothers & Sisters

Today is a rather different day, as I see by looking over my previous contributions to the round robin, than the one on which I wrote last time. Today is partly cloudy here in Calif, altho right now the sun is trying to break thru. Later today and tomorrow it is scheduled to rain according to the weatherman. This was also the forecast for last night but not very much materialized. This morning it was rather nippy out, but by now (9:30 am) it is probably warmed up to 45° or 50°F or so. Because of the rain some two weeks ago, the wild oats on the hills is starting to sprout so they are beginning to look green. However the trees have lost their leaves & the lawns are rather static right now, so the overall green hasn’t changed.

As you all doubtless know I am eagerly awaiting the visit of mother & father, who will becoming next Saturday. I guess they’ll be glad leaving all that snow and cold for a warmer clime. I have finished the downstairs in preparation for their coming, but a fair amount of work remains to be done upstairs. I also have now all the necessary furniture to accommodate them. Probably I have missed some things that will be needed but mother will have better ideas on that subject than I. Outside I haven’t done too much recently having concentrated on the inside of the house. However, right now the lawn doesn’t grow too fast & the weeds seem a little slow too. The daffodils along the curb are starting to come up now; I was wondering if they would make it since I had filled in dirt along there so they were considerably deeper than before.

At work, things continue about as usual. There is usually plenty to do — sometimes it seems like too much. The latest rumor going the rounds is that Shell Development is going to buy the Western Electric building across the street — what for I don’t exactly know. It’s a great big concrete barn of a place, 5 stories tall, but it would take a lot of changing over to make it suitable. However, things are fairly crowded here, so perhaps there is something to the rumor.

Thanksgiving I spent at the Uddens — together with some of the Knock relation. They all think, Marold, that you & Jeannie should be married out here because so many of the relation, both sides, will be out here right then. Of course, the principals won’t be, but that’s a small matter!

Yesterday I listened with considerable joy as Notre Dame beat USC. Out here the football scribes are freely predicting a win at last for the west in the Rose Bowl (as they have 6 previous times). I hope this USC loss presages their fate in the Rose Bowl, despite their vaunted might.

I should drop a line to the folks so will stop for now.

With love

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