Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Lucky Catch

I’ve also mentioned I believe the softball games we played in physical education and how there were occasional games played with teams from neighboring schools. Participation on these teams required satisfactory academic performance and sometimes fielding a team involved reaching down to the “bottom of the barrel” in softball playing prowess.

Characteristically I would be placed out in right field where balls were seldom hit, with the implication that if I failed to perform the damage would be minimal. My one moment of glory occurred in a softball game played in Gowrie. I was in right field of course and a looping fly ball came in my direction. I ran towards what I thought would be its fall to earth, arrived at the proper moment, and miraculously caught the fly ball. This feat permitted an additional player out because he had raced from third base toward home plate anticipating that I would not catch the fly ball.

After I caught the fly ball I had to be prompted to throw the ball back to the infield for the further play. At that point I was in a bemused state, not quite yet aware of what I had accomplished. In the report of the game that appeared in the Gowrie News, my feat was noted as being an important factor in the outcome of the game.

I might mention one additional thing. Out in right field there was a concrete post sticking up — for use as a finishing line when the area was used for a track meet. I was aware of its presence as I ran to catch the fly ball and my fear of running into the post was only matched by my fear that I would err in catching the ball.

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